Patient Rights
PGFPD believes in respecting and caring for our patients. Every patient encountered by PGFPD has the right to:
The right of the patient and their property to be treated, to the extent possible, in a respectful manner that recognizes a person's dignity, cultural values, and religious beliefs, and provides for personal privacy during the course of treatment;
The right of the patient to be free from discrimination in the provision of services;
The right of the patient to be free from neglect; financial exploitation; and verbal, physical, and psychological abuse;
The right of the patient to participate in decisions involving patient care, to the extent possible;
The right of the patient to have personally identifying health information protected from unnecessary disclosure;
The right of the patient or the patient’s legal representative to file a complaint with the ambulance service and/or Department concerning services or care that is or is not furnished, without fear of discrimination or retaliation by the ambulance service owner, administrator, EMS providers, or any service staff; and the right to receive notification from the ambulance service and/or Department of the resolution of the complaint.
The right of the patient or the patient's legal representative to obtain medical record information.
The right to receive treatment according to a known, valid medical or behavioral health advance directive, including the right to receive treatment as directed by a legally authorized person pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes.
The right to receive medical assessment and care delivered by the ambulance service’s EMS providers pursuant to their appropriate scopes of practice and in accordance with the needs of the patient, to the extent possible.
If you feel your rights have been violated by PGFPD, please call the District Office at 970-785-2232 and select the option for Division Chief Matt Concialdi x 137.