Letter from the Chief
I would like to welcome you to the official web site of the Platteville Gilcrest Fire Protection District. Our site contains valuable information about our District, our community, and our members. I hope you will take the time to explore the different areas and links.

The Platteville Gilcrest Fire Protection District has the strength of of over 40 fire fighters, paramedics, and support staff which serve a residential population of approx. 10,000 citizens. Our two fire stations provide services to a geographical area of over one hundred and forty four (144) square miles. That service area includes residential, commercial, and rural areas. Our Fire District provides the following services: structure fire suppression, emergency medical response and transport, specialty rescue, hazardous materials mitigation, fire prevention, wildland fire suppression and community service activities.
Our Fire District and Emergency Medical Services are provided by a group of highly skilled professional men and women, who pride themselves on quality care. Each member is trained to provide EMS services along with fire suppression support for our community and surrounding areas. All of the Fire District members are valued, and comprise the heart and soul of our department.
Platteville Gilcrest Fire has a long history of community involvement. Our participation includes teaching our youngest residents how to react to a fire situation using the fire safety house during Fire Prevention Week, conducting extrication demonstrations, participating in community parades, hosting open house events for the community, organizing the annual community horseshoe tournament, participating in the “Fill the Boot” campaign for MDA, assisting in Harvest Daze weekend events, and teaching CPR to our citizens. Our membership at PGFPD is continually striving to improve public service and remain active in community involvement.
Our mission reads:
“Through integrity, respect and experience, the Platteville Gilcrest Fire Protection District is committed to serving the needs of the community.”
In following this mission, there is nothing more important to us than the community we serve, and the men and women of this fine organization recognize their responsibility to help ensure the safety of our citizens. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of fire protection and emergency medical services with the most efficient use of resources.
As Chief of the Platteville Gilcrest Fire Protection District, it is a pleasure to work with dedicated personnel who continually strive to improve their skills and service to the community. I am proud to have the opportunity to lead this organization into the future.
If there is ever any way that I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Chief Dan Durkee