EMS Training
The Purpose of the EMS Training Division is to provide high quality training based on evidence-based classroom learning, realistic hands-on scenario-based training, case reviews with Medical Director insight, national certification training, and hands on skills review stations to ensure proficiency in prehospital care of the sick and injured.
The EMS Division creates a yearly training plan that provides all District members with the continuing medical education (CME) requirement hours to maintain both their state and National Registry of EMT hours. Each month all three crews participate in a two hour CME on a medical or trauma topic as either a refresher or to enhance their learning and skills. On a quarterly basis, our crews perform roll-in style drills where they run through a real life scenario from dispatch, response, onscene care that transitions to transportation, then concludes with a simulated delivery of the patient to an emergency department. Throughout the year all crews go through speciality training that covers advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), pediatric advanced life support (PALS), prehospital trauma life support (PHTLS) plus other specialty training as it comes available to the district.